A faith-based book that exposes lies about sex, gives a three-step plan to breaking off destructive relationships, and provides compassionate guidelines for healing, listing seven secrets of sexual purity.
This book can help you figure out when 'sweet talk' is nothing more than a language con -- a lie. Inside, there's good advice on setting healthy boundaries, learning good friendship and dating skills, and recognizing when you are the target of someone else's 'game'.
Overcoming a childhood beset by civil war in East Africa and living on welfare in Chicago, the author grew up to attend Harvard on scholarship. Asgedom shares his experiences, insights, and five proven secrets that will help teens succeed in high school and beyond.
Written by teens for teens, Do Hard Things is packed with humorous personal anecdotes, practical examples, and stories of real-life revolution in action. This rallying cry from the heart of an already-happening teen revolution challenges a generation to lay claim to a brighter future, starting today.
Passion. It's the fuel for success, for dreams, for lift. But too many teens focus their energy and passion on the wrong thing-wrong person. Teen swill learn how to be date-able and how to evaluate the date-ability of their latest crush. And they'll get some much needed perspective on sex, his/her communication, clothes, God-even "chick flicks". Dateable also includes sidebars, quizzes, callouts and more.